South Yorkshire Launches Innovative Immersive Learning Network

In early 2025, the South Yorkshire LSIF partnerships will be installing a network of immersive learning spaces. Immersive learning places learners in simulated environments making use of advanced technology and innovative teaching methods. This allows for a fuller learning experience and provides a safe environment and cost-effective way to develop new skills efficiently. Our aim is to connect these spaces together opening access to skills training across the region. This work is in direct response the Local Skills Improvement Plan which asked for more digital skills training and to make skills easier to access by employers.
The investment in technology has been made possible by the Local Skills Investment Fund (LSIF) and is a strategic investment to support the development of new approaches in upskilling the region. Employers and learners can access this network through our key partners and if you are interested in knowing more about this type of learning, please use the contact us section of the website to join our mailing list.